The popular MA-1!

First of all, as a theory, briefly explain what kind of jacket the MA-1 is. It began in the early 1950s when it was adopted by the US Air Force as a successor to the B-15 flight jacket that was born in 1944. It is worn in temperatures between 20°C and -10°C, called the “intermediate zone,” and the basic color is sage green, which is a dull green. Another feature is that the back body is set short so that the fabric does not get caught when sitting on an airplane seat. In addition, the original MA-1 uses a highly visible orange color for the lining, but this is a specification that assumes a crash or escape. By wearing it inside out, it plays a role in increasing the discovery rate of the rescue team.
Here in Japan, it has been a favorite casual wear since the 1980s, and has continued to reign as a constant classic outerwear ever since. It goes without saying that it is highly versatile, but there is also the problem that it tends to be mass-produced because it is a standard outfit that is so overwhelming. Although it is an item that is good at a sense of stability that will look good to some extent no matter how you wear it.
The MA-1 gives the impression of being a tough item with military roots, but it has now become a wardrobe staple.